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What You Need to Know When Pregnant Women Excess Amniotic Water

During pregnancy, it is very important for pregnant women to pay attention to their health, including paying attention to the condition of amniotic fluid. In addition, excess amniotic water can also carry risks for pregnant women and fetuses in the womb. Amniotic fluid is owned by every pregnant woman, is a rather yellowish clear liquid that surrounds the fetus while in the womb. In certain conditions, the amount of amniotic water in the womb can change, amniotic water can be less, can also be excessive.

Benefits of Amniotic Water

Amniotic water is very important to protect the fetus, and will continue to move around the fetus as the fetus swallows and inhales it, then released again. Other benefits of fetal water for the fetus include:
  • Help the movement of the fetus in the womb.
  • Supports proper bone growth.
  • Helps so that the fetal lungs can develop properly.
  • Maintain the temperature conditions around the fetus and keep it warm and comfortable during the womb.
  • Protect the fetus so that it remains safe from external injury or shock.
The amount of amniotic fluid at 34 weeks' gestation is about 800 mL. Whereas at the age of 40 weeks or the last week before pregnant women undergo delivery generally have about 600 mL of amniotic fluid to cover the fetus in the womb. If it exceeds this amount, it means that pregnant women experience excess amniotic water.

Symptoms and Risks of Excess Amniotic Water

Excess amniotic fluid or commonly called polyhydramnios can occur in the second half of pregnancy, due to a gradual increase in amniotic fluid. Symptoms of polyhydramnios appear when there is pressure from the uterus on the surrounding organs. The symptoms are not very clear, but are known to cause breathing difficulties or shortness of breath that improves in an upright position, swelling in both legs, vulva / the outside of the vagina and abdominal wall, and a decrease in urine production. In addition, other causes of polyhydramnios include conditions such as fetal anemia or lack of red blood cells in the fetus, incompatible blood between the mother and fetus, gestational diabetes, and birth defects that affect the digestive tract or the central nervous system of the fetus. Most pregnant women who experience it, will not have significant interference during pregnancy. However, there may be some increased risk of complications of pregnancy and childbirth, especially the risk of giving birth prematurely (less than 37 weeks). Besides polyhydramnios are also known to be often associated with premature rupture of membranes, placental disorders, excessive fetal development, and postpartum bleeding. In addition, pregnant women with polyhydramnios may also experience problems with the position of the fetus or the position of the umbilical cord.

Examination to Ensure Excess Amniotic Water

Pregnant women certainly cannot count their own amount of amniotic fluid, but must go through an examination carried out by experts. The examination that can be done is an ultrasound examination, to give a clearer picture of the condition of the content. If the doctor gets the results of an examination that indicate an excess of amniotic water, then the doctor will likely give more detailed examination recommendations and conduct additional tests to assess the condition of the amniotic fluid and the fetus, including amniocentesis. Aminiocentesis is a procedure to collect amniotic water containing fetal cells and other material produced by the fetus, from inside the uterus for later examination. In addition, examination of blood sugar levels and examination of karyotypes to check fetal chromosomes may be done to assess the condition of the fetus in the womb. If a pregnant woman is proven to have excess amniotic fluid, the doctor will usually conduct an intensive USG examination every week, in order to monitor the condition of the pregnancy. For cases of excess amniotic fluid that is classified as mild, generally no treatment is needed other than routine intensive checks. However, if it has caused disturbing symptoms, actions can be taken to reduce the amount of amniotic fluid or administering drugs that help reduce the production of amniotic fluid. However, it is also possible to continue giving birth normally at week 39-40. If there are complications that cause the fetus to be born prematurely, the doctor may provide additional therapy to help the developing fetus so that it is more mature and more ready to be born. So if you are diagnosed with excess amniotic fluid, don't panic too. Always consult a doctor, understand the information provided, especially if disturbing symptoms occur. Do not hesitate to ask for complete information, along with planning for handling during pregnancy to delivery. You can also ask your doctor for advice about whether or not to have an early delivery.


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